Complete Health-Care
in General & Family Medicine
Health is a state of
physical social mental well being
not merely the absence of disease
We believe the heart of healthcare is service to others
An overall "full check-up", also known as a Basic General Assessment (BGA)
A procedure that uses heat from an electric current to destroy abnormal tissue
Test to detect abnormalities of, among others, cholesterol, glucose and iron levels
A test to find out whether a person is infected with HIV
Paediatric, gynaecological and ante-natal cares
A simple test that can be used to check the heart's rhythm and electrical activity
Excision of benign lumps and bumps
The process whereby a trained counselor assists married couples to resolve problems
A test carried out on a sample of cells from the cervix to check for abnormalities that may be indicative of cervical cancer
A test to detect excessive use of psychoactive drugs to be able to treat patient
We offer our patients an holistic, focused and high-quality primary health care service yet it’s affordable to a broader section of the community.
We regard ourselves as integral members of this community and undertake to serve it to the best of our ability and to all times render the highest quality of care
We hereby affirm our commitment to provide a comprehensive, family-oriented health care facility specifically geared for members of the community in which we practise.