well established and here for you

Our Team

A healthy community
starts from the Best Care

The Physicians

Adeeb Bassier


Adeeb Bassier

He qualified at U.C.T in 2006 with first class honours. He did his community service in Vredenburg and then did a year as a registrar in Anatomical Pathology at Groote Schuur Hospital.

M. A. Bassier

Head Physician

M. A. Bassier

He qualified at U.C.T in 1978. He completed his Masters in Family Medicine at Stellenbosch University in 1989. He served as an accredited lecturer with the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care at Tygerberg Medical School from 2002-2010 and in that time was involved in the teaching of medical students at the Bishop Lavis Community Health Care Centre.

M. M. Bassier

Head Physician

M. M. Bassier

He qualified at U.C.T in 1981. In 1990 he obtained his Diploma in Child Health (DCH) from the S.A College of Medicine. In 1994 he obtained the Diploma in Medical Acupuncture from the S.A Medical Acupuncture Association. From 2002-2008 he was an accredited lecturer at Tygerberg Medical School and in that time was also involved in the teaching of medical students at the Elsies River Community Health Care Centre.

Our commitment Your Health

With 30 years experience we facilitate good health for our community

A Healthy Family Starts From Healthy Communication

Our Staff

Simone Davids


Simone Davids

Simone joined the practice in September 2016 at our Airport rooms. She has done well in the Frontline Receptionist Refresher courses she has been on and currently is the principal filing clerk at our Airport rooms. She also assumes the role of frontline receptionist at our Airport Rooms when Melissa is not available and is happy to do her share of week-end reception duty.

Neville Haricombe

Stock Controller

Neville Haricombe

Uncle Neville, as he is fondly referred by the staff, joined the practice at the beginning of 2021 firstly as a driver but over the past year his job description has expanded exponentially so that he is now also in charge of some stock control portfolios. He is a true gentleman and is loved by one and al for his easy-going yet respectful demeanour.

Sylvia Mlungwana


Sylvia Mlungwana

Sylvia took over the post of Principal Cleaner when the incumbent at that time. For the past 23 years she has been a loyal and dedicated employee traveling between the 3 surgeries on a daily basis to ensure that the rooms are kept spick & span.

She is popular amongst her colleagues and she is not afraid to speak her mind when challenges are identified.

Caylin Pedro

Doctor Assistant

Caylin Pedro

Extrixt Engelbrecht


Extrixt Engelbrecht

Bronwinne Engelbrecht


Bronwinne Engelbrecht

Bronwinne joined the practice in February 2015 and is currently the afternoon receptionist at our Erica Square rooms. However, she has spent the majority of her time as the afternoon receptionist at our Cavalier Centre rooms. She is an exceptionally well-organised and neat person, very respectful to all and sundry and the practice has so much confidence in her that she has at various stages handled stock control, chronic illness and debtor management portfolios for the practice.

Estrixt Hector


Estrixt Hector

We had just employed Estrixt on an ad hoc basis early in 2020 to cover certain shifts when the pandemic hit us in March 2020. We needed someone to screen all attendees at our Airport Rooms and so Estrixt was appointed as our screener-cum-sanitiser, a task which she has since fulfilled with great proficiency. Her role in the practice has expanded so that today she is also a receptionist especially playing a valuable role in standing in for receptionists at our Erica and Cavalier rooms. She has also now been trained to capture claims under the tutelage of Melissa. Currently she is thus our Girl Friday, fulfilling multiple roles in the practice when called upon to do so.

Melissa Kepkey

Principal Secretary

Melissa Kepkey

Melissa joined the practice in January 2017..We soon realized that she possessed natural leadership skills and her interpersonal relationships with patients and colleagues were exceptional. She was also amazingly comfortable in the IT environment. We then included her in our Weekly Admin Meetings and when our principal secretary of 27 years passed away tragically during the Covid epidemic in July 2021, Melissa seamlessly took over many of her secretarial duties and today serves the practice as both head receptionist at our Airport rooms as well as our overall Claims and Recon consultant.

Bernadette Knoop


Bernadette Knoop

After Sylvia, Bernadette is now the longest-serving member of staff. She joined the practice in June 2004 and has always been based at our Belhar Centre rooms where she has been the senior receptionist for many years. She currently anchors the morning sessions at Cavalier where she does a sterling job in receiving and processing patients in addition to assisting the doctor with side-room investigations and procedures. She always acts in the best interest of the practice and is an extremely valuable asset to the practice and an excellent sounding-board for her colleagues with whom she unselfishly shares her wealth of experience in general family medicine.

Coallan Swem


Coallan Swem

Kaylee Jacobs


Kaylee Jacobs

Head Office

Bassier Medical

Established in 1982

Bassier Medical Ⓒ 2022 - All Rights Reserved

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